Park Place Congregational Church UCC

71 Park Place 

Pawtucket, RI 02860

Worship Service Times

Worship Schedule

All are Welcome to any and all Worship Services!
Worship is a 10 a.m. each Sunday!

July 7th, Worship 10 a.m. Join Pastor Wayne, our choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard.

Our Shared Summer Worship services begin on July 14 at Chapel Street Congregational with Pastor Amy Bruch. Below are the dates and worship schedule. Please note location.
Chapel Street UCC – 185 Chapel Street, Lincoln RI. 02865 - Rev. Amy A. Bruch
Park Place UCC – 71 Park Place, Pawtucket, RI 02860 – Pastor Wayne Patenaude
Lime Rock Baptist Church 1075 Great Rd, Lincoln, RI 02865 – Rev. Eugene Dyszlewski

Date:                         Location                           Pastor

July 14                  Chapel Street                   Amy A. Bruch
July 21                  Chapel Street                   Amy A. Bruch
July 28                  Park Place                       Wayne Patenaude
August 4               Park Place                       Wayne Patenaude
August 11             Lime Rock Baptist            Eugene Dyszlewski
August 18             Lime Rock Baptist            Eugene Dyszlewski

August 25th, Worship 10 a.m. at Park Place with Pastor Wayne, our choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard.


Children's Worship -  

Sunday school will resume in September. Have a wonderful safe summer!

All classes are from 10:15-11 a.m. Fun lessons activities to coincide with scripture. 

All Children from Nursery & up are invited!!! Come one! Come All!!!

“Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14)